
CMF Board of Directors

Sharing Worldwide a deeper understanding of the Word of God, and guidance in living a Christ-filled life
John DiCesare 
6156 Shoreline Drive Port Orange, FL 32127
Bruce Blake 
(First VP) 
36 Chapel Lane, Somersworth, NH 03878
Percy Blenman
 (VP Finance/Treasurer) treasurer(a)cmfellowship.us 
409 Mercer Avenue, Roselle, NJ 07203
Bob Whittaker
(Secretary, NC Editor)
356 Fairgreen Place, Casselberry, FL 32707

Bo Shaw 
(VP Administration) 
M. W. Finkbeiner 
(Assistant Finance Director) financedirasst(a)cmfellowship.us
Dennis Gorham 
(VP Editorial Board) 
Gus Vassilopoulos 
(VP Communications) 
J. J. Bowks 
(VP Program Dev. & Outreach) progdev(a)cmfellowship.us 
‪+1 (646) 470-9617‬
Steve Teunis 
(VP Resource Dev.) 
Joe Knapp 
Dan Anas 
+1 (239) 237-6319
Allan Crawford 
(Bible Corresp. Course Manager) course(a)cmfellowship.us 
P.O. Box 540, Warrenville, IL 60555
Gordon Coulson
Colin Larose 
Note: For each email address 
replace the (a) for an @ character 
before emailing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are the Free Bible Students and what is their history?
This is not a complete history of all the off-shoots of Bible Students, but merely an attempt to show where CMF began its history in the string of "The Adventist Family."

Charles Taze Russell began publishing the Watch Tower in 1879. He was assisted by a group of followers called "Millennial Dawn Bible Students."

In 1881, the Zion’s Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society was set up.

In 1907, after teaching for approximately 25 years that the Church was being developed under the New Covenant, Russell changed his views and declared that the New Covenant was future and that God would make this covenant with the House of Judah and the House of Israel. This change in teaching did not set well with some and there were those who left the Society at this time. In addition to the New Covenant change, he was also challenged by some brethren on his teaching that the Church shared with Jesus in the Sin Offering. He based this teaching on the types in Leviticus 8, 9 and 16. Many of his followers had come to accept and recognize him as that "wise and faithful servant" in the Parable which Jesus spoke, who was "serving meat" when the Lord returned invisibly (as they believed) in 1874. These and other teachings were challenged by those who separated in 1909.

Those who left at that time were called "New Covenant Bible Students" by some; others called themselves "Free Bible Students," inferring that they were no longer under the control of a man or organization.

Conferences of the "Free Bible Students" began to be held in the New England area in 1909. These are known as the Christian Believers Conferences and are still held yearly in August. There is a week-long conference held every July that began about 50 years ago by a "Free Bible Student" mid-west group that is held in western PA. These are called the Berean Christian Conferences. A Western Christian Believers Conference is being held in January 1998 for the first time in southern CA. In England there is a "Free Bible Student Conference" also held every August. In addition, there are some other conferences or conventions held around the country and in England by individual Free Bible Student groups throughout the year.

What is the History of CMF / CDMI?
At the beginning of the 18th Century, the Great Awakening spread over Europe and America. This spiritual revival continued into the 19th century. Many Bible Societies sprang up and the distribution of the Word of God was great. This created an environment here in the United States and Europe of personal inquiry into many doctrinal topics that had been hidden in the mire of misunderstanding of the Scriptures. Concurrently, a plurality of Bible helps such as concordances, dictionaries, and histories arose, an expectation and joy of coming to a clearer appreciation of the character and plan of God led many in personal and group Bible studies to arrive at conclusions that inspired a revival in the Christian community, especially along the lines of the soon-expected second coming of Christ. 

One of these groups developed around the leadership of Charles T. Russell, a lay preacher and Bible student, who devoted his life and considerable fortune to promulgating the clearer understanding he had come to. A prolific writer, he developed an organization that was world-wide in scope, and after his death in 1916 became both fixed in thought and restricted in freedoms. A number of Christians left this organization early, in 1909, or in the ensuing years upon his death, for greater liberty in Christ. Two of the groups formed in 1909 became known as the New Covenant Fellowship and the New Covenant Believers, not that their members chose these names, but from designations by others who used it as a description to differentiate them from other groups. Similarly, the first Christians were known as followers of “The Way” (Acts 9:2) because they pointed to Jesus as the way to reconciliation and fellowship with God.

In 1928 a group of separated brethren in the Hartford, Connecticut area formed a congregation and were known as the New Creation Fellowship. Gaetano Boccaccio was one of their elders and in 1940, he began to publish The New Creation magazine regularly. This ministry expanded to publishing tracts and booklets as well as the magazine, which is now distributed world-wide. It was given the name of Christian Millennial Fellowship (CMF). With the death of its founder in 1996, the work was continued under the oversight of Elmer Weeks of Port Murray, New Jersey, USA. 

In the fall of 2011 CMF began Christian Discipling Ministries International (CDMI) to better reflect and expand our mission work of building up fellow Christians to maturity in Christ internationally. There are now many free Christians congregations in foreign countries that have embraced its message and are actively spreading the good news thanks to CDMI produced Bible based, Christian study materials. 

CDMI is supported by the generosity of donors from around the world. All of its publications are offered free of charge and the CDMI staff members are volunteers who donate their time and energy as unto the Lord. CDMI cooperates freely with all independent free Christians congregations and any who desire growth in their walk with God by providing them with the literature we publish in the form of booklets, tracts, and correspondence courses.

What are some of the Beliefs of the Free Bible Students?
Most "Free Bible Students" would be in agreement on these important points:

  • That Jesus had a pre-human existence as the Logos, God’s Only Begotten Son, not an angel.
  • That Jesus was raised from the grave, at which time the Father endued him with all power and authority in heaven and earth.
  • That Jesus paid the price for all men and will bring back all to a resurrection of judgment in the future Millennial age.
  • That this Judgment day is one of "learning righteousness."
  • That Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life and there is no other name by which man can be saved.
  • That salvation is by grace and not by works.
  • That God is presently selecting a Bride for His Son who will be raised in the "first resurrection."
  • That these will be joint-heirs with Christ to rule in his future earthly millennial Kingdom.
  • That the Bible is the inspired Word of God and should be studied contextually as well as topically. The Bible is the final authority for Christians.
  • That it is the Holy Spirit of God that leads us into all truth and not a man or an organization.
  • That religious organizations have no authority from God to rule over individual Church groups.
  • That individual congregations make their own decisions as led by the Holy Spirit.
  • That the Church is presently being developed under the New Covenant.
  • That the door to the "high calling" is still open.
  • That the parable of the "Faithful and Wise Servant" is not representative of any particular individual but teaches faithful watchfulness of all who are fully devoted to the Lord and awaiting His return.
  • That Jesus alone is pictured in the animal sacrifices of the Old Testament types.
  • That contextual Bible study is essential to properly understanding and interpreting Scripture.
  • That the Millennial reign of Christ and his Church is still future.
  • Though water baptism is a scriptural requirement, it does not have to precede one's becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ. Baptism is not necessarily a prerequisite to one receiving the Holy Spirit. An example of this is found at Acts 10: 45-48. Being baptized is required to show one's public declaration of their acceptance of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior; and that they have made a firm decision to follow Him.
Does CMF make decisions or influence Free Bible Student Congregations?
CMF is a publishing house for Christian discipling efforts only. It exercises no authority over any Christian believer and has no interest in becoming a religious headquarters of any kind.

